Odissea nell’arte – Millennium Edition is the special and conclusive edition of a three-year course that, from 2017 to 2019, starting from prehistory, has led us to Contemporaneity. In this fourth year the attention goes to the current artistic scene, to grasp its changing aspect, orient itself in its coordinates, identify the themes crucial, and to acquire the ability to grasp new trends, and to frame known artists and figures with awareness emerging.

Teachers of the course are Giovanna Brambilla, Head of Educational Services of GAMeC, Manuela Bandini, Museum educator of GAMeC, Architect and Professor of the Liceo Scientifico “F. Lussana “, Silvia Gervasoni, Educator of the Carrara Academy and Professor of the Liceo Artistico” Manzù “.
Domenico Quaranta, curator and art critic, Claudia D’Alonzo, curator, art critic and lecturer at the G. Carrara Academy of Fine Arts in Bergamo and at the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera, Claudio Musso and Fabiola Naldi, curators, art critics and professors of the Accademia G. Carrara of Fine Arts of Bergamo, Anna Chiara Cimoli, art historian, affiliated with ABCittà and lecturer at the University of Milan, will be our “special guests “This year, called to tackle complex issues and issues with wide-ranging interventions.
Lorenzo Giusti, Director of GAMeC will open the course.

Aimed at a wide audience, art lovers, artists, gallery owners, young people interested in school who do not tackle this subject, teachers eager for a course that can fill a knowledge, and retired with the subject of this theme, our “Odyssey” it is designed as a map, to provide the essential cultural coordinates in the light of which to decipher and deepen one’s passions, to allow one to read the places one passes through, the exhibitions that one visits, the works one likes.

From January 22nd to December 9th 2020.
17 meetings, every 2 weeks, Wednesday or Thursday evening from 8.30 pm to 10.30 pm